Thursday, February 19, 2015

Kindergarten Classroom Layout

In my idea classroom students would feel welcome and comfortable. They would have significant storage for their personal items and school supplies to ensure the room stays neat and tidy. I would have plenty of space for movement and arrangement of materials, so students do not feel confined or cramped. The classroom layout would be open allowing adequate visual supervision of all areas of the room at all times. However, there would be distinct areas for children to work and learn. Additionally, I would incorporate fun decorations of an educational nature and curtains over windows to adequately reduce or allow light as needed. The areas included in my classroom design are reading area, literacy area, group study area, science area, math area, art area, and a computer area. Finally, I will utilize bulletin boards for class rules, calendars, announcements and more.

Reading Area

 The reading area would be similar to the one shown above. It would contain a large rug for group reading. It would also contain a couch and some chairs for the students and I to utilize. When the students are spending extra time reading they would have the option of sitting in the floor or relaxing on a chair. During group reading I would sit in the chair to increase vision for all students and they would sit in a circle on the rug. Additionally, this area would contain some soft pillows and a large variety of books for students to explore.

 Literacy Area

The literacy area will focus on providing students practice with the fundamentals of reading and writing. It will be very similar to the area above. I would prefer to have a shelf full of activity choices including play-dough and letter stamps, matching games. tracing activities, and more. Additionally, this area will contain a large table for multiple students to work in this area at one time, and have plenty of room to spread out.

Group Study Area

In this area I will have a half round table to enable me to work with multiple students. I will utilize this for literacy practice groups or math practice groups. Additionally, this area will have a storage shelf behind the table where I keep supplies for a variety of activities I incorporate in group lessons. My goal for this area is to create an environment in which I am able to monitor other students and work with a small group on completing developmental lessons. I want it to be organized in a manner that I can quickly transition from one activity to the next with no clutter  or time lost. Ever evening  I will ensure all the materials needed for the next day are ready and available in the storage area behind the table to help me meet these goals.

Science & Math Area

Both the science and math centers will provide students with a variety of activities and manipulative to practice new skills. The items in these centers will vary depending on the lessons we are focusing on. Students will be encouraged to explore these areas and utilize their materials to further develop their understanding of the curriculum.

Art Area

I will utilize the art area in many ways. First it will serve as an attractive and inspiring area for students to go practice important skills found when cutting and coloring. Second, it will serve as an organizational area for art supplies, helping maintain a tidy room. Lastly, it will be a great area for students to express themselves or work on projects. 

Computer Area

 Image result for kindergarten room computer area

 The computer area will serve as a great way to utilize technology in classroom instruction. Students will use the computers for literacy and math practice, research, and rewards. They will teach students valuable skills needed to be successful as adults.

 Bulletin Board

 I will utilize a large bulletin board as and attractive display tool. It will contain a large variety of items including a calendar, days of the month, announcements, and more. I observed a classroom that had a daily routine of exploring the bulletin board and discussing important information including the months of the year, a calendar with today's date, days of the week, birthdays, and much more. The students really enjoyed their daily routine of reviewing the board and it provided them with practice learning important information. 

Overall, I will strive to create a welcoming classroom environment the encourages students to learn and grow. It will be a safe environment for students to enter and enjoy.